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Zeb Grant Designs

Zeb Grant Designs

Zeb Grant Designs

113 South Main Street
Madison, Georgia 30650
(706) 342-0776

Facebook Page
113 South Main Street
Madison, Georgia 30650
(706) 342-0776


Zeb Grant, a Georgia native, brings his love of design and appreciation of nature together.

Zeb honed his for classic and classically-modern design in his proper Southern upbringing along with its storied architecture and rich cuisine. A natural flair embodies his creations reflecting the beauty of the South as well as the elegance of abroad. The layered mix of rare finds, antiques, found objects, modern luxuries, and keepsakes intertwine to tell each client’s bespoke story. His education in Art History and Design combined with world traveling and firsthand experience of old-world design, helps bring the old and new together in all of his work. Zeb’s biggest accomplishment is the creation of a business with incredibly loyal clients. Both his floral and design clients are open to his ideas and storytelling through his work, making his art come to life. He feels extremely fortunate to work with the people he works with everyday in both of his shops, at events, and at projects around the country!