Visitors online – 32065:
users – 1
guests – 31167
bots – 897
The maximum number of visits was – 2022-08-05:
all visitors – 47894:
users – 5
guests – 47715
bots – 174

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Lake Oconee ACE

Lake Oconee ACE Lake Oconee ACE Lake Oconee ACE Lake Oconee ACE Lake Oconee ACE Lake Oconee ACE Lake Oconee ACE

Lake Oconee ACE

1022 Lake Oconee Pkwy • Eatonton, GA 31024
706-485-6574 (Phone)
706-485-7197 (Fax)
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Monday – Friday: 7:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Sunday: 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Facebook Page

Find everything from hardware to hostess gifts, porch swings to chalk paint…all right here at the lake!



Lake Oconee Ace Hardware is a family owned and operated hardware store serving the Lake Oconee area and surrounding counties. Our hardware store strives to offer our customers a great selection of high quality affordable merchandise with a friendly and helpful attitude!

Not only do we stock all your traditional hardware needs, we also cater to the lake lifestyle with outdoor gear, clothing, décor and gifts from top quality brands whose quality you can depend on!

Our team members live in the lake country and are a true part of this community.  Come shop at your neighborhood Ace where there is always something new and a friendly neighbor to help you find just what you are looking for!