Visitors online – 13413:
users – 0
guests – 12261
bots – 1152
The maximum number of visits was – 2022-08-05:
all visitors – 47894:
users – 5
guests – 47715
bots – 174

Featured Businesses
  • Cardiology Care Clinic
    Cardiology Care Clinic

Farmers & Merchants Bank

Farmers & Merchants Bank

Farmers & Merchants Bank’s Locations

Main Branch:
100 S Madison Ave
P.O. Box 4450
Eatonton, Ga. 31024
(706) 485-9941

Lake Oconee Branch:
1011 Lake Oconee Pkwy
P.O. Box 4450
Eatonton, Ga. 31024
(706) 485-9858

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Personal Banker

Allow one of our Personal Banking Representatives to assist you with your financial plans today.  We’re here to help with everything from opening new accounts to training you on how to use our convenient online and mobile banking solutions.

Pay Bills Effortlessly

Say goodbye to stamps.  Organize all your bills in one central location and pay them as needed.

Manage Your Cards

Phone and tablet apps allow you to manage your debit and credit cards from wherever you are.